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Live Well & Healthy 

 Live Welsy

Welsy is an independent healthcare company with a focus to deliver health products that are based on science, safety and effectiveness, which empower people everywhere to live well and healthy. 


From day one, Welsy has had a dedicated collaboration with industry experts including researchers and developers of scientific communities, academic institutions, and companies that have advanced scientific knowledge. Working together and exchanging expertise has resulted in strategic collaboration and co-development of several advanced and unique products. By consolidating the latest technologies, bioscience, patent ideas, manpower, and financial capabilities, we created unique products in all aspects of living well and healthy. 

Welsy Co-inventors and research scientists operate with advanced laboratories to create new formulations for all the company's products, which are extensively tested before their launch to the marketplace. 


Welsy partners with the stakeholders in a strategic partnership, which has resulted in a reputation that is second to none.


Welsy employees are committed to addressing the people’s need to live well and healthy by carrying our products as globally as possible, and as local as needed. 




En Welsy, la innovación lidera nuestro crecimiento vital y es el factor fundamental al afrontar la estandarización en el mercado. La misma nos permite mantenernos competitivos, y competir con productos diferentes y únicos. En Welsy, tenemos el conocimiento científico necesario para crear productos que incrementan considerablemente la calidad de vida de las personas. En Welsy la innovación no está limitada a la creación y el desarrollo de sus productos, sino que es implementada en todo momento de nuestra vida empresarial.


At Welsy, innovation drives vital growth, and it is a key factor in tackling market standardization, which enables us to maintain a competitive edge by making our products unique and different. We are committed to innovation in developing everyday healthcare products. At Welsy, we have the knowledge of applying science to invent products that make a distinguished boost in every moment of people’s lives. At Welsy, innovation is not limited to product development, as it is also implemented in every moment of our company's practices.


En Welsy creemos que el espíritu empresarial de nuestro equipo es la fuerza fundamental para el crecimiento de nuestro negocio, empezando desde la semilla de una nueva idea hasta convertirla en un producto rentable. Los ejecutivos de Welsy se esfuerzan personalmente en crear un ROI saludable en todos los aspectos de nuestra empresa, empleados, inversores, consumidores y la comunidad.


At Welsy we believe that our team entrepreneurial spirit is the driving force behind our business growth starting from the seed of new ideas to passionately turn them into actual profitable products. Welsy executives are self- initiating in creating a healthy ROI in all business aspects to different stakeholders from employees, community, shareholders, and consumers. 


Las personas son el punto de partida de nuestro sistema y son esenciales para nuestro éxito, el cual nace de un esfuerzo colectivo y colaboración. Estos son los factores esenciales en la ejecución del desarrollo sustentable de Welsy. En Welsy nos enfocamos en incrementar las capacidades de nuestra gente y sus habilidades de liderazgo, de esta manera los empoderamos para ser los mejores  y así servir a nuestros clientes con entusiasmo y pasión. Enfocarnos en las personas es la manera de lograr el éxito en Welsy & Co.


People are the starting point in our system and are indeed essential to our success that stems from our collective effort and cooperation, which are the key factors in the execution of Welsy sustainable development. At Welsy we focus on building our peoples' capabilities and leadership abilities thus empowering them to be the best they can be so that they serve our clients’ needs enthusiastically and passionately. Being people-focused is a strong contributor to the overall success of Welsy  


En Welsy, atendemos la Confianza como la piedra fundamental para el desarrollo y el crecimiento de nuestra empresa. La transparencia en nuestra comunidad, la claridad en la información, el compartir las mejores practicas y la experiencia interpersonal crean un ambiente de confianza dentro de la compañía, en conjunto con nuestros consumidores, productores, abastecedores, inversores y las autoridades públicas.


In Welsy we look at Trust as the cornerstone in our business’s development and growth. The transparency of the communication and the clarity of the information, as well as the sharing of best practices and internal expertise, create an environment of trust within the company, and with our customers, suppliers, manufacturers, external partners, shareholders, and public authorities. 

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